Free Standing Water Coolers
  • Indulge Water's Bottleless Water Coolers utilize 9 Stage advanced filtration technology to remove impurities and deliver an endless flow of cleaner, great tasting water.
  • Eliminate the numerous hassles of dealing with the conglomerate bottled water delivery services.
  • Climate friendly - eliminates wasteful production, delivery & disposal of countless big plastic jugs.
  • Save up to 80% by switching to Pure Planet Waters!
  • All Indulge Water's Standing Bottleless Systems are available with Pure+, Electrolyte Rich, Mineral Infused, Alkaline Water.    

Solutions For Every Setting


The Elite
$ $
9 Stage Filtration
9 Stage Filtration

This advanced 9 stage filtration model is perfect for moderate usage. It has sturdy dispensing paddles which help limit user contact. 

This advanced 9 stage filtration model is full of safety & convenience features including comfort height dispensing and more!

The Empress

This filtration system is great for heavy usage. 

9 Stage Filtration

This advanced 9 stage water filtration system offers users fully non-contact dispensing eliminating germ sharing at the water cooler. 

Technologically advanced sensors & Antimicrobial surface protection. 






